World Wide Peace Meditation Circle
Join me in Peace Meditation to protect nature, natural resources and life on the earth.

Every Friday at 18.00 for 3-5 minutes all over the world
(Time mentioned is Europe Berlin Time) participants from other countries please join us at the local equivalent time
Anywhere, Everyone, Same Time for Health & Peace
Use human consciousness to achieve Health and Peace- why?
7 good reasons to join World Wide Peace Meditation Circle
(no participation fee, no membership needed: you are already a life time member in our cosmic world, no need to travel, 100% effective and positive)
- To be Healthy and Peaceful
- To protect the nature and natural resources including the planets
- To protect the existence and values of all living beings
- To influence positively all human Kriyas (functions) and decisions at all levels in the world
- To eradicate poverty and to gain the strength to be truthful, and face future challenges through human wisdom in this material world
- To become a nature lover, to feel, share, and spread the love
- Define your own positive wish as a last point/ reason
Please pass on this information about our
World Wide Peace Meditation Circle Principles to your friends and family members also as soon as possible.
Thanks and good wishes
"Shanti Shanti Shanti"......."Health and Peace for all"
Sri Vishnu Pala
(Spiritual Master)
"Health and peace for all living beings without material dependency is the only way which leads to the protection of nature and living beings on this earth" -Sri Vishnu Pala
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
- Mahatma Gandhi